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…comes with the whole world of Travel- and Tourism Media-Experience.
Ruediger Edelmann

Responsible Editor and Host for Tourism Radioshows for over 30 years in different Public Radiostations of ARD-Network (Germanys NPR). After retiring from his job at “Radio hr4” at the end of 2014 he founded german- powered by ttb-media, an audioblog including Podcasts.
In the meantime there are two Travelbooks about very special german destinations. One about “Kassel and the fairy tales of the Grimm Brothers” and one about a region called “Rhoen” a fantastic German byway. Both books had been edited new in the meantime. The 4. edition of Rhoen is on the Book Market since Spring 2023. The Update (new photos) of “Kassel, North-Hesse and the Grimm Brothers” will be pulished in February 2025.
…was founded in March 2015. It’s a Multimedia Blog about the phantastic parts of travelling the world, but even talking about the not so nice parts and cirmumstances of tourism.
The topics concentrate on Germany and North America (USA / Canada). – There are additional storys and shows about several interesting destinations in Europeand the rest of the world. On the blog you’re going to find special”travelservices”, which should help vacationers to avoid trouble when being on the road.
On Top you are going to find Backgroundstorys about Tourism, Tourism Economy, Sustainability in Travel and Airlines.
…is not comparable to a classic travelblog. If you need a category, you could name us an “Multimedia-Web-Magazine” Every story is based on high journalism standards striving for “Quality Journalism”.
Beautiful things are allowed to be beautiful, but we won’t change miserable things into bright beautiness. Headlines of our work are: Information, Honesty and Uprightness.
Even when talking about Famtrips, Cooperations and material help for research we care about these principles.
Radioshows and Podcasts are published at least twice a month. If there are special news we are publishing even more.
On the blog you’ll find additional News, Comments and Critics about Hotels and Restaurants.